Thursday, 26 January 2012

The Facts of Copyright in Fashion and Millinery

Copyright in Fashion and of course millinery coming under the same banner is a huge issue. It is amazing that there are no copyright just integrity, but where do you draw the line as saying an inspiration, or something you may have learnt as either being a copy or inspired. This is a really interesting argument. There are many outfits I do see recycled on the fashions on the field scene, but when someone wins, there is allot of 'inspiration'. This is something even the larger houses with Trademarks such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Prada etc, find hard to police. I really feel it does come down to the integrity of the individual.
When shopping for my wedding gown, there is now way you can take photos to copy and take it to a designer friend, but once you have had your wedding it is open for the world to see, AND copy. This is a very harsh reality and I find it a very difficult area with so many friends being in the fashion world. It is hard!
When it comes to Millinery, you know if someone is trying to be Philip Treacy or any other milliner as looking at so many hats after a while you can definitely see someone’s design aesthetic. Of course to copy someone of what a master makes it purely embarrassing to wear, and when undertaking my first millinery course with Louise Macdonald last year in the gorgeous Nicolas Building, Louise was very quick to bring out magazines only to tell us, “You must not Copy”.

The fact is we actually could copy legally, but one, we would look ridiculous as we would no where have the skills to pull of anything as wonderful as anything pictured and two, why would we compromise our creativity???
These are questions I often ponder upon???
The more notoriety Fashions on the Field has, the more we have people taking pictures and I will let you know I have noticed allot of offshore visitors coming in and photographing to reproduce off shore. This is the very harsh reality of the fashion industry.

Please note I am in no way mentioning anyone is copying anyone, it is just about a few conversations finding out the legalities of copyright in the millinery world. Basically it would be millinery death to copy!

Remember you can always choose to Trademark, but if Louis Vuitton and other luxury products and brands are having trouble, it is really no use taking it to court as if Louis Vuitton cannot win, you wont, just a headache of legal bills.

This is one of my favourite clips in the fashion world and can make sense of your questions really quickly, well worth watching. 

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